A Campaign for St. Bernadette

Holy Ghost Bernadette • December 15, 2024

A Campaign for St. Bernadette

Campaign Goals

Our Faith Goal: $1.27 million for the church renovations
This goal fully funds the church renovation and beautification and pays off professional fees and campaign expenses (architect, consulting, printing, postage, etc.).

Our Family Goal: $1.5 million to include the parish office renovations
This goal includes the Our Faith Goal and fully funds the parish office renovation.

Our Future Goal: $1.7 million to include doubling the facilities maintenance fund
This goal includes the Our Faith and Our Family Goals and doubles the amount in our Facilities Maintenance Fund

We are grateful for the parishioners who are serving as leaders and volunteers for our campaign:

Honorary Chair 
Dcn. Subby and Lynn Enzolera
Paul and Mary Parr 

General Chair 
Chris and Sue Reed
Scott Riha
Tom and Janet Van Haute 

Campaign Cabinet 
Tom Ackley
Andy Flanagan
Pat and Chris Flanagan
Dorest and Linda Harvey
Jeff and Sue Miller
Chuck and Kathy Monico
John and Patty Pogge Rolly and Theresa Yost 

Campaign Committee 
Pat Blankenship
Mary Blaszak
Terry Deseck
Marge Egermier
Joan Foreman-Mertz
Kurt and Rita Frickel
Rick and Mary Huss
Steve and Cathy Jesus
Teresa Kabourek
Chris and Chris Kenny
Jackie Kmiecek
Mariann Kokotajlo
Terry and Karen Langan
Chad and Emily Liechti
Mark and Julie McNamara
Dan and Vicki Nyberg
Jerry and Chris Ortner
Kelly Overfelt
Diane Rosenthal
Barb Slaven
Fred and Joyce Sokol
Rosary Sorensen
Dick Strauss
Steve and Maggie Tooley
Bob and Linda Urbanski
Bill and Sharon Veys
Dale Voboril
Krissy Weiser
Linda Wiesen
Mary Beth Wilwerding
Carole Williams 


If you would like to volunteer with the campaign, please contact our campaign manager, Beth Samson at bsamson@steiergroup.com

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Would you like to know how the Lord has specifically gifted you for service to others? Are you feeling a call to begin to serve God and lead in a new way? Our Parish Family is offering a very special Lenten Called and Gifted Workshop on Saturday, April 5 to help parishioners understand the specific gifts God gave them for service. Participants will take an online gifts assessment and walk away from the workshop with all they need to understand their God- given gifts and how to use those gifts to be a channel of God's goodness for people. The Presenter - We are so blessed to have Fr. Mark Bozada, a skilled presenter and knowledgeable teacher of the "Called and Gifted" process leading our workshop. By helping us discern our individual charisms from the gifts assessment we take, Fr. Bozada will teach us how to identify and develop our individual gifts and strengths. "CALLED AND GIFTED WORKSHOP" Saturday, April 5, 2025 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Cost- $30/person that includes breakfast, lunch, your online inventory and a workbook you can use after the workshop for your ongoing discernment of gifts. TO REGISTER, please submit this form or contact Kelly Overfelt: 402-212-5671 or kerfelt@ymail.com Payment Options: We accept cash, check, and Venmo. You can send a Venmo to Kelly at https://venmo.com/u/Kelly-Overfelt You can also send a check to the following address: Kelly Overfelt 1201 Mackensey Drive Papillon, NE 68046 Register and pay in person after Masses on March 8 and March 9 The weekend of March 8 and March 9, we will have members of Saint Patrick's Elkhorn Parish to give testimonials on the "Called and Gifted" Workshop. This would be a great opportunity for people to register in person. During this weekend, Kelly can be at each Mass afterwards so people are welcome to do the following: Ask Kelly questions Submit their registration information Make a payment for registration NOTE: Registration will close on March 19, 2025 so we have time to order materials and give those attending the workshop time to take their online assessments. Spots are going to be limited so please sign up today! If you have any questions, Kelly Overfelt: 402-212-5671 or koverfelt@ymail.com
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