The Annual St. Bernadette Men’s Club Pasta Dinner is held every year on a Sunday in February , from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Enjoy an authentic Italian delicacy of pasta, 2 meatballs or 1 sausage, salad, and Italian bread. Full inside seating with pickles, meat wheel and desserts from the Altar Society are available or you can order takeout to enjoy at home.
All proceeds support our youth activities and scholarships, and also special parish needs.
Monthly during the months of September through April, those who come to the 9am Mass on the 3rd Sunday are greeted with the smell of freshly baked cinnamon rolls that were prepared downstairs in the Parish Hall ovens.
The freshly baked rolls are frosted and are ready for sale after the Sunday Masses by our dedicated Holy Ghost bakers. Cinnamon Roll Sundays have become a welcomed event for our parishioners who look forward to taking home something special after Mass.
The Women's Club provides coffee and juice for those wishing to stay and visit with fellow parishioners. If you would like to join the Holy Ghost crew who make the Cinnamon Roll Sundays so special, contact the Parish Office 402-731-3176.
Parishioners and guests from around the city alike love this popular annual ritual on Fridays during Lent. All are welcome! The Holy Ghost Lenten Fish Fry (complete with pickle cards, meat wheel and the desserts sale) is one of the biggest fundraising events of the year for our parish. Starting Friday before Ash Wednesday.
Holy Ghost is a cheerful and welcoming atmosphere where a jam-packed line enters the northeast door of the church and snakes its way down the stairs to the Parish Hall. The varied menu offers: shrimp, baked or fried cod, macaroni and cheese, clam chowder or a combo dinner of your choice. Each dinner comes with baked potato, salad, fruit bar, and a drink. Beer and margaritas are available to our guests and those in line who enter the hall. We also offer an expedited takeout service that is available on the west side of the church with reserved parking on 53rd Street for those picking up dinner to take home.
If you would like to join in on the fun as a member of the Holy Ghost Fish Fry crew who work to make these dinners so special, contact the Holy Ghost Parish Office: (402) 731-3176 and then press 5.
There is nothing better than a night out with friends enjoying a delicious fried chicken dinner with mashed potatoes/ gravy and all the trimmings. The Chicken Dinners were a natural outgrowth from the Fish Fry’s and offer the same festive atmosphere for a delicious, dinner outside of the Lenten season. The first Holy Ghost chicken dinner was held in April of 2010 and quickly became a popular and well attended event for the parish.
All menu options provide a big meal for a reasonable price and if you want you can customize your meal with your favorite chicken pieces. In addition to the dinner we’ll always have the popular Meat Wheel spinning to add fun to the event. Holy Ghost offers a chicken dinner 3 to 5 times a year.
You can become part of the Chicken Dinner crew by contacting the Holy Ghost Parish Office at (402) 731-3176 and then press 5.
Game On is a fun twist on the theme of a trivia night that taps into the competitive nature inside every person. It is uniquely a Holy Ghost creation and has been described by those who have attended as, “a trivia competition on steroids”. The night begins for our guests with cocktails and dinner and then the games begin! There are 40 Table Teams of 8 who are divided equally into 4 color Sectors.
Throughout the evening, the Table Team’s accumulate points by competing in Table Team games and in competitions between the Sectors in Lightening Round stage games. The night is fast-moving and the variety of games keeps everyone engaged throughout the night. The games that include music have become the most popular and certainly gets the place rockin’!
At the end of the night the Table Team who has accumulated the most points is crowned the Game On Champions but everyone who participates wins because the competitions are as much fun as the end result.
If you would like to become part of the dedicated Game On Crew who has as much fun as the guests, contact Tom or Kathy Schulte at (402) 731-3599
The Turkey Dinner has been an annual event at Holy Ghost that is enjoyed by all for many years. The dinner is held on a Sunday afternoon in early November. The dinner is the perfect warm up for Thanksgiving by offering the traditional turkey, dressing, mashed potato & gravy and all the trimmings. Top that delicious meal off with one of the wonderful desserts donated by our parishioners and you have an afternoon that everyone in the parish looks forward to each year.
If you would like to offer your help with the annual Turkey Dinner, please contact Carrie Kaczmarek 402-731-3176 ext 5 or
The annual Woman of the Year Luncheon is sponsored by the Holy Ghost Women’s Club, and is a perfect way to celebrate and strengthen the female relationships of the women in our parish family. Each year, on a date in April or May, women and girls of all ages are invited to join us at our Woman of the Year Luncheon.
All are invited! You can bring your mother, your daughter, a friend, your sister, aunt, or grandma for this relaxing and fun-filled gathering together! The lunch is catered and served by volunteers from the Men’s Club.
Watch the bulletin and The Olive Branch newsletter for this year’s date and time or contact Women’s Club President Terri Aulner for more information.
Husker nights are a rich tradition at Holy Ghost going back 50 years and are designed to satisfy the appetite of hard core Husker football fans who want to get insight on last week’s game and the inside scoop on plans for the upcoming game. It is a chance to hear an expert’s point of view and ask questions about all things Husker football.
Over the years guest speakers have ranged from Nebraska coaches, grad assistants, past Nebraska players and professional broadcasters provided by Sean Callahan, publisher of Those attending can come early and enjoy dinner and refreshments from a menu of delicious food provided by the Men’s Club.
Husker Nights start at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Social Hall each Thursday following every Nebraska Football season game through the bowl wrap-up.
On the Sunday before Valentine’s Day each year the Women’s Club invites all women in the parish to join them for a relaxing time at the Valentines Salad Luncheon. The menu is home-style with all attending bringing their favorite side-salad to create the perfect luncheon. Dessert is provided by the Women’s Club.
The Valentines Salad Luncheon is the perfect setting for those women in the parish who have wanted to meet other women in the parish and learn more about ways they can become more involved.
Watch the bulletin and The Olive Branch for this year’s date and time or contact Women’s Club President Terri Aulner for more information.
(402) 731-3176
(402) 731-4694
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