The Alpha Course

Explore the Basics of the Christian Faith

The Alpha Course is a series of sessions designed to explore the foundations of the Christian faith in a welcoming and engaging environment. Each week, participants gather for a meal, watch a thought-provoking video about the Good News of Jesus Christ, and engage in open, small-group discussions. Guests are encouraged to ask questions, share their thoughts, and build meaningful relationships while experiencing God’s love through the Holy Spirit.

The 10-week course offers a relaxed and friendly setting where laughter, learning, and reflection come together. Whether you are curious about the meaning of life, exploring faith for the first time, or seeking to deepen your connection to God, Alpha is for everyone—regardless of background, religion, or viewpoint.

Alpha has been a transformative experience for people across the spectrum: those on the fringe of parish life, faithful believers, and individuals outside the faith. It’s more than a program—it’s an opportunity to embark on a journey that leads to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.

Altar Society

The purpose of the Society is to cultivate and promote greater devotion to Our Blessed Lady, to maintain the needs of the Sanctuary, to foster friendship among the women of the parish, and to assist the pastor in matters pertaining to the welfare of the parish. 

Meetings take place on the 1st Thursday of the month in the social hall. 6:15 p.m. Rosary and then a light meal at 6:30 p.m. followed by the meeting.

All ladies of Holy Ghost and St. Bernadette are members of the Altar Society. Please come and join us for our monthly get-togethers. Meet new people and friends.

Let US get to know YOU!


Men's Club

St. Bernadette Men's Club is a parish organization dedicated to the support of families living in the parish. The special focus of our efforts and resources is the growth and development of our children and youth as Christian/Catholic student athletes. Every man of the parish is a member of the Men's Club. These men are committed to providing opportunities to the children and youth of the parish to grow as Christian Catholics using education and athletics as vehicles to help them become morally strong and contributing members of society.

Meetings are typically held the 3rd Thursday of the month at 8:00 PM in the School Cafeteria. They usually last about an hour. Please feel free to come and join the men and have a good time as dinner is served and there is a social after every meeting.

The Holy Ghost Men's Club was originally created as the Athletic Club to meet the sports needs of the children attending Holy Ghost School. Since that time, the group has evolved to become the driving force behind many important parish activities, fundraisers and family functions including the popular Lenten Fish Fry’s and Husker Nights. The Men’s Club also oversees the rental of the Holy Ghost baseball field and gymnasium and uses the profits from this and other activities they sponsor to fund many of the improvements made to our parish. All men of the parish are welcome and encouraged to join the Men’s Club at their monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of each month. 

For information about the Holy Ghost Men's Club or to rent the Holy Ghost ball field or gym please call the Holy Ghost Parish Office at (402) 731-3176 and press 5.

For information about the St. Bernadette Men's Club, please contact the parish office at: 402-731-4694

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Parish Council

The function of our Parish Pastoral Council as established by the Church is to assist the Pastor in his leadership role of setting priorities, planning, organizing, initiating, coordinating and reviewing the mission and activities of the parish. They offer to the Pastor a wisdom that emerges from the parish and which does not depend on any level of expertise, but their own faith and God’s guidance. They help the Pastor to know the community and by means of their study, research and reflection share with the Pastor who consults them for that advice. If the Council makes decisions it is in terms of formulating their agreement, input or consensus on an issue they have prepared for the Pastor. The Pastoral Council membership is between 8 and 12 members.

Any parishioner may volunteer to take an open position on the council but must be approved by the Pastor to become a member. To inquire about joining our Parish Pastoral Council, please contact our parish offices at the information below.

  • Holy Ghost Parish: (402) 731-3176 (Press 5)
  • St. Bernadette Parish: 402-731-4694

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Women's Club

Through this organization the women of our parish family get a chance to come together to work as a group in the development and support of events that benefit our parish community spiritually and financially. They are the inspiration and driving force behind parish projects like Cinnamon Roll Sundays, Valentines Salad Luncheon, Christmas Cards to the Homebound, The Bread Bake, Knitting for Charity, The Woman of the Year Banquet and supply desserts to all the parish dinners. They also give support to all the other parish events and use their funds to financially support many important ministries and corporal improvements in the parish. Most important are the close relationships and Christian friendships they build as they work together on parish projects throughout the year. All women of our parish family are welcome and encouraged to become active members in the Women’s Club. Monthly meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Holy Ghost Parish Social Hall. 

Please contact Women’s Club President, Terri Aulner: (402) 669-9024 for more information.

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